Business Over Breakfast™ - Manassas
If you do business with government agencies and their contractors, you should attend Business Over Breakfast™, the most productive government sector "just networking" breakfast event in DC/MD/VA. Business Over Breakfast™ Manassas convenes at the Cracker Barrel Old Country Store just off I-66 and is hosted by Guy Hinkler of V2 Systems, a Founding Member of The American Small Business Coalition and Joe Martin of Employment Enterprise...
Computer Forensics for the Security Pra...
About This Training: Accidental/intentional destruction of data, hardware failure or cyber attacks can happen at any time and you may be called upon to respond, investigate, document, handle, and escalate the analysis to a formal investigation. In this two day hands-on workshop, you'll consider when investigations are appropriate or warranted, and learn how and when to recover lost or deleted information from the Recycler Bin (Info2 file), Dis...
PCV 2010
The ISPRS Commission III symposium on Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Image Analysis will be host in Paris, France between September 1-3, 2010. PCV will have technical sessions that will cover all the topics of the six Working Groups and Inter-commission Working Groups during these three days. PCV is a selective single-track conference covering all the aspects of computer vision and image analysis dealing with geomatics data (or geographic...
September 1-3, 2010
ISPRS Location:
Saint-Mandé, FR
RSPSoc2010: From The Sea-bed to the Clo...
In 2010 the first joint UK Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society and Irish Earth Observation Symposium conference will be held in Cork, Ireland. It will be hosted by University College Cork and the National Maritime College of Ireland from 31st August to 3rd September 2010. The organising committee would like to welcome you to Cork, and hope you will have an enjoyable and productive time here, sharing the results of current research activi...
September 1-3, 2010
RSPSoc Location:
Cork, IE
Legislative Information Division (LID)...
The NDIA Legislative Information Division (LID) Breakfast Brief series offers both Industry and Goverment participants from the Small Bussiness community to Large Corporations the opportunity to network with and hear from Congessional leaders, Top Military Officials, and Governement and Industry Speakers who brief us on many pressing issues and topics of today. The Brief allows time for questions and answers and all comments are strictly off t...
September 2, 2010
NDIA Location:
Washington, DC
Analyze the Who, What, When, and Now th...
Analyze the Who, What, When, and Now the “Where” with Analyst’s Notebook Esri® Edition i2 is a trusted provider of intelligence and investigation software world-wide. We have partnered with Esri® to release an unparalleled comprehensive solution for intelligence and crime analysis. Join our webcast to learn how integrating ArcGIS Server’s map views, server data, and basic GIS capabilities into i2's best-of-breed...
Air Force Information Technology Conference
Welcome to the Air Force Information Technology Conference Recent News and Frequently Asked Questions Question: What is the dress code for AFITC? Answer: Dress code is business casual for civilians and standard Air Force UOD: Blues on Monday and BDU/ABU/Flight Suit the rest of the week for military. Question: Can exhibitors attend the General Seminar Sessions? Answer: Exhibitor badges will get you into most general sessions (exception being ...
Symantec Enterprise Vault User Forum
Keep up with the latest in archiving, storage, and backup for Symantec Enterprise Vault! Please join us for our Enterprise Vault User Forum on Wednesday, September 1, 2010, in Washington, DC. During this workshop, you will have the opportunity to network with your peers, share ideas, and learn more about advanced topics in Enterprise Vault (EV) related to architecture, best practices, and integration with Exchange 2010. We will also give an ov...
Shaping Knowledge from Open Source Vide...
Military and intelligence organizations capture and produce large amounts of textual, imagery, and video intelligence information every day. Increasingly, open source information such as news articles, videos, and blogs are also brought into the analytical process. Due to the vast amount of data produced and available for analysis, it is difficult to navigate this information and uncover activities and relationships that are of interest. To ad...
Technology Trends in Government Contractors
Did you know most GovCon firms spent about 2% of their annual revenue on IT last year? Would you like to know where they plan to focus their IT investments next year? Clarity: Focus on IT, captures the opinions and plans of 233 CIO’s and senior IT executives across a broad range of Government contracting firms and topics. Join Deltek for the webcast “Technology Trends in Government Contractor” and hear how to: Assess the spen...
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