How will the new Department of Homeland...
Overview This session will provide the attendee a thorough understanding of business continuity and disaster recovery, and an understanding of how BCP and PS-Prep will affect all businesses. Objectives As a result of attending this session, participants will: Have a better understanding of the risks, the legalities, and the requirements for protecting their business. Have a thorough understanding of BCP and DRP components, and Understand PS-Pr...
August 26, 2010
HRTC Location:
NorfolK, VA
Unlock the Secrets of Job Scheduling in...
Government data center operation managers face increasingly complex infrastructures and run multiple disparate applications to achieve a single goal to deliver the results from critical applications on time. Join us for this complimentary webcast where we will review the true power of ORSYP's Enterprise Job Scheduler and how it reduces operator errors, mitigates risks across your environment, and accelerates critical processes. During this web...
2010 Warheads & Ballistics Classified S...
THIS SYMPOSIUM IS CLASSIFIED SECRET- U.S. ONLY The objective of the Warheads and Ballistics Classified Symposium is to provide researchers, developers, and program managers (from government, academia, and industry) a forum for the exchange of information on current work related to the advancement of the technology and application of ballistics and weapon systems.
Los Alamos National Laboratory
FBC and the Los Alamos National Laboratory's (LANL) Electronic Software Distribution (ESD) Project Office will once again jointly host the 5th Annual Summer Science and Information Technology Expo at the Los Alamos Research Park. LANL’s ESD Project Office is the Laboratory's premier resource for software procurement.This is an excellent opportunity to communicate directly with many of the Laboratory's scientists, engineers and programmin...
Google for the Department of Defense Se...
Join Google and DLT Solutions for a seminar exploring Google's vision and how it can support the Department of Defense missions. Learn first-hand how geospatial visualization and effective enterprise level search and collaboration allow you to grow and scale your organization's IT infrastructure to meet the current challenges of today's Military environment. From Google’s Earth Enterprise to Search Appliance and Apps, the DoD is rapidly...
FEMA 4th Annual Hazards U.S. Multi-haza...
This event began in 2007 and has become the premier risk assessment conference for GIS specialists, emergency managers, geologists, state/local planners and the like. This year’s conference will include two and a half days of educational sessions, hands on training and one-of-a-kind networking opportunities. HAZUS is a multi-hazard risk assessment software tool that combines science, engineering, mathematical modeling and Geographic Info...
August 23-25, 2010
FEMA Location:
Indianapolis, IN
DLA Enterprise Supplier Conference ...
This conference replaces the former Land and Maritime Supply Chains Business Conference (DSCC) and will include participation from all DLA activities to include Troop Support (DSCP), Aviation (DSCR), Land & Maritime (DSCC), Energy (DESC), Distribution (DDC), Disposal (DRMS) and Cataloging (DLIS) for a Defense Logistics Agency-wide conference. This event will feature speakers from OSD and the Military Services, informative breakout session...
August 23-25, 2010
NDIA Location:
Columbus, OH
2nd Annual Identity Management for DoD...
IDGA is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual Identity Management for DoD and Government: Enhancing Government Data Collection, Sharing, and Protection! This year's summit will provide unprecedented insight into government-wide interoperability of credentials and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) adoption by examining the emergence of government-wide electronic authentication and identity management guidelines, mandates, and standards. Visit the Co...
TSA's Plans for Checkpoint & Checked Ba...
So far this year the Transportation Security Administration has begun an aggressive effort to deploy nearly 500 Advanced Imaging Technology systems in some of the nation’s airports by year-end as a result of the failed 2009 Christmas Day bombing attempt aboard a passenger plane. The agency plans to maintain that aggressive pace in 2011 by deploying another 500 machines. Yet there are still privacy concerns with the whole body imaging tec...
Game-Changing Economics for Your Next G...
Is your agency ready for a change - one that is sure to be an economic game-changer? A mission-critical converged infrastructure can enable federal agencies to increase agility, lower cost of operations and drive innovation. Join us for a webinar to hear how the world’s first mission-critical converged infrastructure can revolutionize your agency’s operations. Hear from a panel of experts about how you can save millions of dollars...
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