OHSA Update – What You Need To Know
OSHA Update - What You Need To Know You're Invited - Richmond, VA 3/11/15 J. J. Keller Safety Management Education Seminar Join J. J. Keller experts Sr. Workplace Safety Editor, Travis Rhoden, and Account Executive, Jeff Jordan, at this complimentary seminar as they provide an executive overview on the latest OSHA regulatory changes! Updates include the new GHS labeling standards, Hazcom, Injury & Illness prevention (I2P2), record-keeping...
Data Mining: Failure to Launch
How to Get Data Mining Off the Ground and Into OrbitA Free One-Hour Live, Interactive Web EventProduced by The Modeling Agency“Guidance & Results for the Data-Rich, Yet Information-Poor”Presented by TMA Senior Consulting Staffhttp://www.the-modeling-agency.com/data-mining-webinarWHAT'S COVEREDThe vast majority of BI professionals are excited about the prospects of data mining and predictive analytics, but are fully mystified ab...
Records Management University: Have I A...
This Week's Class:Have I Avoided the RM Road Hazards or Will My Wheels Come Off? Class Information WHEN: Tuesday March 10 at 2pm ET | 11am PTWHERE: In the comfort of your own officeCOST: FREEMORE INFO: Event Website REGISTRATION: Register for Free Now Class is now in session, and we want you to matriculate at Records Management University! So, come to our virtual campus, get set up in your virtual dorm room, and take a seat in the virtual cla...
GEOINTeraction Tuesday
Held the second Tuesday of every other month, GEOINTeraction Tuesday is a casual networking event where you can develop new relationships, exchange ideas and discover business opportunities. Each event features a guest speaker from the Defense, Intelligence or Homeland Security Community who shares their views on current issues and answers audience questions. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to rsvp@usgif.org
March 10, 2015
USGIF Location:
McLean, VA
VMware Government & Education Innovatio...
Drive mission-based outcomes for government and education in Florida VMware Public Sector invites you to join us on March 10, 2015 in Tallahassee, Florida VMware's Government & Education Innovation Summit is the premier education, training and networking event for IT and management professionals serving the state, local and education sectors in the State of Florida. Our unique program is tailored specifically to the interests of public sec...
March 10, 2015
VMware Location:
Tallahassee, FL
Managing and Supervising the Government...
Congress has mandated that Federal Agencies adopt telework whenever feasible. OPM has developed telework policies for the Federal workforce that mirror industry “best practices” in taking advantage of non-traditional work settings. Additionally, GSA is encouraging Federal Agencies to implement “Hoteling” as a way to reduce overall facility costs. In spite of this, there is still reluctance from many supervisors to embra...
ACT-IAC Rocky Mountain Breakfast featur...
The Rocky Mountain Chapter of the American Council for Technology & Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC) is pleased to announce that Mike Anderson, Vice President of Marketing from ReliAscent and member of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Region VIII Regulatory Fairness Board, will speak at The Egg & I on March 10th about DCAA Compliance, the SBA’s Ombudsman and the Regulatory Fairness Board. During this presentation...
March 10, 2015
ACT-IAC Location:
Lakewood, CO
Impacts and Implications of the FY16 Budget
Each year, the President is required to submit to Congress the Administration’s budget request for the fiscal year beginning in October. That budget, once approved, sets the tone and tenor for the following year and determines where Federal dollars will be spent, by which agencies, and in support of which programs and priorities. Hanging in the balance are the fate of grant programs, educational support, housing, roads and infrastructure...
March 10, 2015
Active Shooter Preparedness Workshop -...
THIS IS NOT A TACTICAL TRAINING COURSE Given today's ever-changing threat environment, preparing for and training employees to cope with workplace violence should be a key piece of an organization's incident response planning. A Unique Training Opportunity Stephens College and the National Protection and Programs Directorate Office of Infrastructure Protection within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security are hosting a one-day Security Works...
Introduction to Integrated Project Team...
Introduction to Integrated Project Teams (IPTs) and Charters Webinar This webinar is designed to provide the participant with a two hour overview of the current requirements for Integrated Project Teams (IPTs) and Charters. The most recent version of this information and guidance included updates derived from the OMB Circular No. A-11 dated July 25, 2014 and it's companion supplement, the Capital Programming Guide. This webinar emphasizing kno...
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